Witness the formidable life story of the Korean hero, Ahn Eung Chil, once a rich young prince, who transformed himself into Ahn Joong Geun, the Chief of Staff of the Korean Army, and said to have made the greatest impact on Japanese Imperialism.
(Source: HanCinema)
The Allies – A Time for a Green Hero (Cancelled)
Director: Choi Ji Yeong, Yang Yoon Ho
Screenwriter: Heo Seung Min, Kim Ji Wan
Total Episodes: 100
Network: KBS1
Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
Year: 2001
Country: South Korea
Native Title: 의군 – 푸른 영웅의 시대
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Alternative Titles: Uigun – Pureun Yeongungui Sidae, Euigoon – Pureun Yeongwooangeui Shidae
Genre: Drama, Historical