Ki Hyuk, moves to a new place to overcome his broken heart. There are no people like himself and no jobs are even available. One day, he meets Sang Woo...
Jenny, Juno centers on the title characters of Jenny and Juno, two fifteen year old middle school students whose one night of romance has dramatic consequences for both their lives....
In 1990, a janitor, working at a training center in Guisari, tragic ends guests and then terminates himself. Since then, Self-harm or accidental death has occurred at the training center...
A hearing-impaired boy, Min Soo, is gay, and he likes his classmate, Ji Seok. One day, Min Soo impulsively has intimate with a man who works in a public bath,...
The story begins with the tale of a classic Korean story of romance about a princess named Pyun Gang, whose husband, On Dal, dies. Then we flash forward to a...
“High! Touch” is a child’s dream come true high-teen web drama at the crossroads of life in the winter of the a 19 year-old, and is an interactive web drama...
Soo Ah is a trainee teacher who goes down to a local school to practice teaching. She grew curious about Bu Yeong Seok, a student with an ominous aura who...
Ho Tae is the new transfer student. It’s Yeo Bin first time seeing Ho Tae but why does it feel like she knows him and why does she feel bad?...