The drama revolves around the incidents that occur in the police force and the joy, sorrow, and pain that police officers experience as they try to protect justice. Yeom Sang...
Soo Yeol, the competent ‘bad boy’ on the police squad, regains his humanity after meeting K, the righteous but ‘crazy’ guy. Despite having a mere high school diploma, Soo Yeol...
A string of bank robberies puts the public in a panic and they demand action from the newly appointed police chief to crack down on the perpetrators. In order to...
Lee Jung Chool once had connections to the Korean independence movement, but he now works as a police officer for the Japanese occupation’s forces. He receives an order to take...
Kim Do Hyung, who works as a bank executive and comes from a well-to-do family, has been dating his girlfriend, Yoon Joo Young, for the past two years. He asks...
Everyone experiences trials and errors as one lives on one’s life. Those trials and errors become one of the memories of embarrassing moments. Despite one’s strong resolution to not do...
Within a seemingly peaceful village, a rash of mysterious and violent deaths suddenly occur. Police conclude poisonous wild mushrooms are to blame. Officer Jong Goo hears a rumour involving a...
Inspector Chae Yi Do is appointed to investigate a brutal serial tragic end case and immediately identifies a rich North Korean defector named Kim Gwang Il as the prime suspect....
Yu Gang Hyuk was only 7 years old when his father was tragic ended in a car “accident” and separated from his identical twin, Yu Shin Hyuk. He forgot his...
Kim Sun Kyung is a retired police officer and father of three sons, fire-arm Kang, Hyun Chal and Yi Sang. His eldest son fire-arm Kang made many wrong decisions in...
Moo Goong Hwa is a former boxer. After the death of her husband, she has raised her daughter alone. She now works as a police officer. Cha Tae Jin is...
No Hyung Soo visits a motel room to see Park Joo Young. He is pleased with her appearance and happy to pay for her services, but a surprise is waiting...
With the monetary backing of a notorious moneylender, Lee Chan Woo, who is a former bar waiter and middle school dropout, decides to open his own high-end nightclub. In preparation...
Jo Dae Yeong is a police officer investigating a pickpocket ring with ties to the Yakuza. One day, he rescues Baek Jang Mi from danger, only to discover that she...
33-year old Han Je In is a mystery novelist who is notorious for habitual false reporting to the police in town. Her only friend is police officer Rok Hwan, who...
Kang Nam Soon has superhuman strength. She went missing as a kid in Mongolia. Now as an adult, she comes to Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea to find her parents. She...
“Han River” is a series about police officers who deal with various incidents and accidents that occur at Han River. (Source: korean-binge)...
An anthology about ‘disappearance’. > Story 1 : “Friendly Police” (친절한 경찰) [Director: Lim Kyung Taek (임경택)] The story is about Ah Rin, a novelist in her 20s who moves...
The story is about Ah Rin, a novelist in her 20s who moves into a new neighborhood where she met police officer Kim, the only one who believes in what...
Yeong Jun, a Police Academy graduate, is a lieutenant working for the Internal Investigation Bureau; he is intelligent but very heartless as well. Now he’s given the most fateful mission...
Jang Chun Dong is a traffic officer who aspires to become a homicide detective. After being noticed by his superiors, Chun Dong is assigned to go undercover to infiltrate a...
In a big city of Busan, twin brothers were left in the orphanage after the tragic death of their parents. Tae Ju, the older brother, becomes a cop, and Tae...
Nearly twenty years ago, Park Joon Pil is the son of a mafia boss. The mafia boss is being chased by the police but takes a day off to take...