Former intelligence agent Ki Heon encounters the first-ever genetically mutated human clone, Seo Bok, who holds the secret to eternal life. For his final mission, Ki Heon is responsible for...
‘A Christmas Carol’ is a story about a twin brother who goes to a juvenile detention center on his own to avenge the death of his twin brother. ~~ Adapted...
Set towards the end of the Joseon dynasty, when Korea was under Japanese rule. Rather than a cruel tale of chasing down a rare, beautiful animal, the story is a...
Lee Cheon Ah, a woman who committed Self-harm following her daughter’s death, but instead doesn’t die. Hong Jong Hyun is a mysterious man who wants to commit Self-harm and meets...
Da Eun lives a happy life with her single father, a man who sacrificed everything in his life for her. She was a daughter who loved her father very dearly....
Kim Hyuk lives a fast life as a high-ranking mobster in the port city of Busan, South Korea. His closest friend is fellow mobster Lee Young Choon. Even though Kim...
The film tells the story of Detectives Chu Ja Young and Kim Dong Wook, who must solve a puzzling tragic end case involving a string of deaths at a local...
Chul Woong, a high school teacher, had lost his fiancee to a tragic tragic end case just before their wedding. 10 years have passed, but he is still haunted by...
When a millennia-old spirit reawakens, it causes mysterious deaths in its quest to assume a form. A group of strangers must join forces in a chilling battle to extinguish it...
The story is centered on the love between a musically gifted South Korean man, Yoo Sung Jae, and a Japanese woman, Misaki. Misaki, who feels guilty over her boyfriend’s death,...
Earning a living as a driver for rent, Ki-su lives in a studio flat in the basement floor. When he feels choked up, he tries not to let go of...
Yoon Hee, a novelist, desperately seeks for a new story and that’s when she hears from Seo Yeon, her friend in Vietnam, a very tempting story about a legend of...
“We’re Not Trash” is a web drama about a man and a woman who consider themselves trash, experiencing rehabilitation and healing their pain. Shin Jo Hee grew up without being...
Oh Bok, a market vendor in Seoul, is conflicted due to the redevelopment project. On the day of the meeting of her eldest daughter’s husband-to-be family, she has an incident....
When raw gold is discovered deep in the woods, a group of gold hunters leads by Dong Geun arrive to mine it. Several neighbors in the area witness, by chance,...
Hyun Su is waiting to take the position of the security manager of a dam located in the remote village of Seryung. On a foggy night, he gets lost on...
After a high school student is tragic ended, the seven suspects are hunted down by members of a radical organization. (Source: IMDb)...
On April 4th, year 2000, Joon Won, Choi Yong Jin’s second daughter, disappears from a playground near home. As time passes, the father’s desperation to find Joon Won turns into...