Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Kwon Oh Soo

Kwon Oh Soo

Korean Person

Kwon Oh Soo is a South Korean actor....

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Yoo Nam Kyu

Yoo Nam Kyu

Korean Person

Yoo Nam Kyu is a South Korean retired table tennis player and a table tennis coach. He competed in 3...

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Mongolian Person


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Lee Joon Seok

Lee Joon Seok

Korean Person


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Han Seo Yeon

Han Seo Yeon

Korean Person

Han Seo Yeon is an actress....

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Kim Sang Hyuk

Kim Sang-hyuk (Click-B)

Korean Person

Kim Sang Hyuk is a South Korean singer who made his debut as a member of Click-B in 1999. In...

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Nam Gyu Baek

Nam Gyu Baek

Korean Person

Nam Gyu Baek is a South Korean actor....

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Eom Seong Seop

Eom Seong Seop

Korean Person


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Jo Won Joon

Jo Won Joon

Korean Person

Jo Won Joon is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Solomon

Lee Solomon

Korean Person

Lee Solomon is a South Korean singer, poet and book author. He lost his father at a young age due...

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Park Sang Kyoo

Park Sang Kyoo

Korean Person


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Ra Lee Hye Jin

Ra Lee Hye Jin

Korean Person


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Hong Yoo Ra

Hong Yoo Ra

Korean Person

Hong Yoo Ra is a South Korean stage actress....

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Lee Jun Woo

Lee Jun Woo

Korean Person

Lee Jun Woo is South Korean producer....

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Mo Ye Chan


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Ryu Si On

Ryu Si On

Korean Person

Ryu Si On is a former MYSTIC Story trainee and former member of Polaris Junior. She is currently managed by...

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Korean Person

Kim Yun Ho, known professionally as Shaun (숀), is a South Korean singer-songwriter, music producer, and DJ. He debuted in...

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Kim Han Joo

Kim Han Joo is a South Korean musician and member of indie rock band SILICA GEL (실리카겔). He attended Gyeongin...

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Lee Jin Han

Lee Jin Han

Korean Person

Lee Jin Han is a South Korean actor....

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Eric Lin

Eric Lin

Malaysian Person


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Miguel Perez Senent

Miguel Perez Senent

Spanish Person

Miguel Perez Senent is an Spanish visual effects professional....

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Oh Yun Sung

Oh Yun Sung

Korean Person


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Oh Hyung Je

Oh Hyung Je

Korean Person


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  • Male
  • Female