Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Wi Myung Woo

Wi Myung Woo

Korean Person


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Choe Chun Ji

Choe Chun Ji

Korean Person

Choe Chun Ji is a South Korean film producer....

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Min Young Gi

Min Young Gi

Korean Person

Min Young Gi is a South Korean musical actor. He graduated from Hanyang University’s Department of Vocal Music and has...

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Lee Jae Ah

Lee Jae Ah

Korean Person

Lee Jae Ah is a South Korean tennis player. She is one of South Korean football player Lee Dong Gook’s...

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Korean Person

Jang Ji Sou, known by the stage name Quaddurup, is a South Korean YouTuber and streamer. He debuted as a...

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Han Joon Seo

Han Joon Seo

Korean Person

Han Joon Seo is a South Korean director....

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Lee Eum

Lee Eum

Korean Person


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David Belle

David Belle


David Belle is an international actor, but also the founder of Parkour. Belle was introduced to his acting career in...

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An Yul

An Yul

Korean Person

An Yul is a South Korean singer who participated in singing competitions such as "Voice King" and "Tomorrow’s National Singer"....

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Kim Ran

Kim Ran

Korean Person

Kim Ran is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Jung Hyun Ji

Jung Hyun Ji

Korean Person

Jung Hyun Ji is a South Korean stage actress....

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Jeon Ah Hee

Jeon Ah Hee

Korean Person

Jeon Ah Hee is a South Korean actress and musical stage actress....

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Park Kyung Hwa

Park Kyung Hwa

Korean Person

Park Kyung Hwa is a screenwriter....

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Shin Min Ho

Shin Min Ho

Korean Person

Shin Min Ho is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Seo Yi

Lee Seo Yi

Korean Person

Lee Seo Yi is a South Korean stage actress and an actress....

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Seok Ho Jin

Seok Ho Jin

Korean Person


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Lee Hwi Won

Lee Hwi Won

Korean Person

Lee Hwi Won is a South Korean actor. He graduated from University of Korea Aerospace University, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering...

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Kim Geon Jae

Kim Geon Jae is a South Korean musician and member of indie rock band SILICA GEL (실리카겔). He graduated from...

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Jeffrey Cheng

Jeffrey Cheng

Malaysian Person


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Jang Chang Myung

Jang Chang Myung

Korean Person

Jang Chang Myung is a korean actor....

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Eom Gi Baek

Eom Gi Baek

Korean Person

Eom Gi Baek is a South Korean actor and director....

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Kang Ha Ri

Kang Ha Ri

Korean Person


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Korean Person

Dotty is a South Korean YouTuber and the founder and CEO of Sandbox Network, where he began his career as...

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Ryu Jin Ah

Ryu Jin Ah

Korean Person


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  • Male
  • Female