Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Kim Dong Won

Kim Dong Won

Korean Person

Kim Dong-won is a South Korean documentary filmmaker. Kim is best known for his documentary films Repatriation (2004) and 63...

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Kim Jin Kyu

Kim Jin Kyu

Korean Person

Kim Jin Kyu was an actor and also worked as a director, producer/planner and in lighting. He had two children...

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Xinel Simpson

Xinel Simpson

American Person

Xinel Simpson is an American artist, singer, and actor based in China. She is known for her appearance as Tang...

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Kim Na Kyung

Kim Na Kyung

Korean Person

Graduated from Korea National University of Arts, she has made number of acclaimed short films including My Turn (2017) and...

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Kim Deok Min

Kim Deok Min

Korean Person

Kim Deok Min is a director....

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Vincent Tang

Vincent Tang

Canadian Person

Vincent Tang Ka Lai is a Canadian television host and former teacher, born and based in Hong Kong. From 2014-2016,...

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Ji Ho Jin

Ji Ho Jin

Korean Person


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Lee Gun Woo

Lee Gun Woo

Korean Person

Lee Gun Woo is an actor....

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Antoine Pinto

Antoine Pinto

French Person

Antuan Siangboxingis a French Muay Thai kickboxer who has been living in Thailand since the age of 11 and has...

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Oh Eun Ji

Oh Eun Ji is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Park Joong Geun

Park Joong Geun

Korean Person

Park Joong Geun is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Yoo Hyeon

Lee Yoo Hyeon

Korean Person


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Korean Person

ID:EARTH (아이디얼스) is a South Korean singer, songwriter and composer under her own label ID:EARTH Company, who debuted on February...

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Mo Geon Hu

Rookie actor under Roots Entertainment. Set to debut in the drama "Study Group" (2024)....

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Jung Mi Hee

Jung Mi Hee

Korean Person


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Na Hae Ri

Na Hae Ri

Korean Person


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Han Kun Kyu

Han Kun Kyu is a South Korean rugby player. He became part of the South Korean National Team in 2010...

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Im Chan Sang

Im Chan Sang

Korean Person

Im Chan Sangis a South Korean Director, Screenwriter and Consultant Producer....

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Park Suk Hwi

Park Suk Hwi

Korean Person


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Lee Seung Jin

Lee Seung Jin

Korean Person

Lee Seung Jin is a South Korean actor....

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Cha Sung Duk

Cha Sung Duk

Korean Person

A South Korean director and screenwriter. She studied cinema at Korea National University of Arts and received attention for directing...

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Korean Person

Hwang Chae Won, known by her stage name Wonchae, is a South Korean singer and dancer. She went to Hanlim...

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  • Female