Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Hwang Dong Seok

Hwang Dong Seok

Korean Person

Hwang Dong Seok is a South Korean actor, art director, director and screenwriter....

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Lee Dae Kyung

Lee Dae Kyung

Korean Person

Lee Dae Kyung is a South Korean director....

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Jang Deok Ju

Jang Deok Ju

Korean Person


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Daniel Baldwin

Daniel Baldwin

American Person

Daniel Baldwin is an American actor, director and producer....

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Go Yeong Nam

Go Yeong Nam

Korean Person

Movie director from South Korea, who has directed 110 movies....

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Joo Sung Hwan

Joo Sung Hwan

Korean Person


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Kim Joo Hee

Kim Joo Hee

Korean Person


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Lee Kyoung Hee

Lee Kyoung Hee

Korean Person

Kyung Hee was called the queen of tears during her long career. On the 24th of December 2018 she has...

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Hong Soo Dong

Hong Soo Dong

Korean Person

Hong Soo Dong is a South Korean actor, editor, producer and director....

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Kwak Kyu Seok

Kwak Kyu Seok

Korean Person

A South Korean comedian and pastor....

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Daria Gz

Daria Gz

Russian Person

Daria Gz is a Ukrainian actress. (Source: IMDb)...

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Jo Han Na

Jo Han Na

Korean Person


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Elizabeth Pena

Elizabeth Pena


Elizabeth Peña is an American actress, writer, panelist and musician....

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Lee Yong Ki

Lee Yong Ki

Korean Person


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Baek Ha Bin

Baek Ha Bin

Korean Person


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Won Hyun Shik

Won Hyun Shik

Korean Person

Won Hyun Sik was a Korean pop trainee for two years and nine months under Happy Face Entertainment prior to...

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Kim Geun Hee

Kim Geun Hee

Korean Person


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Moon Jung Woong

Moon Jung Woong

Korean Person

Moon Jung Woong is a South Korean film and theater actor, born in Bucheon of Gyeonggi-do and graduated from Hoseo...

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Korean Person

Lyn is a South Korean singer and actress, former member of fitness K-pop group BEBEHEAL (베베헬)....

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Ahn Han Byeol

HanByeol (DreamNote)

Korean Person

Ahn Han Byeol is a South Korean singer under iMe KOREA. She is a former member of the girl group...

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Erik-Jan de Boer

Erik-Jan de Boer

Dutch Person

Erik-Jan De Boer is an Dutch visual effects professional....

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Yoo Kab Yeol

Yoo Kab Yeol

Korean Person

Yoo Kab Yeol is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Kim Na Hyeon

Kim Na Hyeon

Korean Person

Kim Na Hyeon is a South Korean dancer. She is a member of dance group Turns, which was the winning...

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Korean Person

Amy is a South Korean actress....

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  • Female