Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Kim Sun Ung

Kim Sun Ung

Korean Person

Kim Sun Ung is a South Korean director, screenwriter and editor. Born in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do on August 20, 1980, he...

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Krystian Muszynski

Krystian Muszynski


Krystian Muszynski is a polish actor and commercial director based in Taipei, Taiwan. Krystian was first inspired to start a...

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Song Min Ho

Song Min Ho

Korean Person

A South Korean screenwriter...

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Park So Hye

Park So Hye

Korean Person


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Frank Smith

Frank Smith

British Person

Half-Vietnamese, half-English with a Masters in Classical Arabic, Frank started as a BBC documentary director/producer working in conflict zones across...

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Ha Yeon

Ha Yeon

Korean Person

Ha Yeon is a South Korean AV actress....

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Nauty One

Nauty One

Korean Person

Nauty One is a South Korean B-Boy and DJ. He is a member of break-dancing crew Rivers Crew (리버스크루)....

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Lee Dong Gi

Lee Dong Gi is a South Korean actor....

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Kim Jung Min

Kim Jung Min

Korean Person


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Ahn Tae Jin

Ahn Tae Jin

Korean Person

Ahn Tae Jin is a South Korean film assistant director, cinematographer, and director....

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Woo Han Moe

Woo Han Moe

Korean Person

Woo Han Moe is a South Korean artist....

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Seok Hee

Seok Hee

Korean Person


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Kim Cho Won

Kim Cho Won

Korean Person

Kim Cho Won is a South Korean singer managed by KM Entertainment. She is a member of the girl group...

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Jung Sung Yun

Jung Sung Yun

Korean Person

Jung Sungyun is a South Korean trainee under YES IM Entertainment. He is a member of the project boy group...

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Han Da In


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Kim Min Soo

Kim Min Soo

Korean Person

Kim Min Soo is a South Korean director and screenwriter....

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Roger Fan

Roger Fan


Roger Fan is an Taiwanese-American actor....

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Ahn Ji Min

Ahn Ji Min

Korean Person

Ahn Ji Min is a South Korean dancer and member of KLWC on Street Dance Girls Fighter. She had previously...

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Ahn Philip

Ahn Philip

Korean Person


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Shim Hyun Sup

Shim Hyun Sup

Korean Person

Shim Hyun Sup is a South Korean actor, TV personality and comedian....

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Kim Suk Il

Kim Suk Il

Korean Person


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Im Ji Won

Im Ji Won

Korean Person

Im Ji Won is a South Korean dancer and member of Newnion on Street Dance Girls Fighter, where she specializes...

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Ahn Se Eun


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Kim Soon Chul

Kim Soon Chul

Korean Person


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  • Male
  • Female