Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Agnes Wang

Agnes Wang


Malaysian of Chinese descent, Agnes Wang is an actress, radio announcer and commercial model....

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Kim Jin Hyung

Kim Jin Hyung

Korean Person


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Choi Won

Choi Won

Korean Person


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Park Kun Young

Park Kun Young

Korean Person

Park Kun Young is a South Korean Drama and Film Director, Scriptwriter, Production, Cinematographer, Editor born in 1984. He studied...

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Choi Soo Rak

Choi Soo Rak

Korean Person


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Moon Young Mi

Moon Young Mi

Korean Person


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Lee Shi On

Lee Shi On

Korean Person

Lee Shi On is a South Korean actress....

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Yoon Min Hwa

Yoon Min Hwa

Korean Person

Yoon Min Hwa is a composer....

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Han Min Hyeok

Han Min Hyeok

Korean Person

Han Min Hyeok is a South Korean actor and a stuntman....

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Seol Jong Hwan

Seol Jong Hwan

Korean Person


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Moon Choong Il

Moon Choong Il

Korean Person

Moon Choong Il is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Choi Eun Suk

Choi Eun Suk

Korean Person


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Lee Jae Suk

Lee Jae Suk

Korean Person

Lee Jae Suk is a South Korean actor....

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Kang Yoon Jung

Kang Yoon Jung

Korean Person


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Jang Yoon Woo

Jang Yoon Woo

Korean Person

Jang Yoon Woo is a South Korean actor....

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Peter Loehr

Peter Loehr

American Person

Peter Loehr is an American film producer and executive who spent the bulk of his career in Asia.He was the...

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Woo Jung Ah

Woo Jung Ah

Korean Person


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Choe Hyeon Suk

Choe Hyeon Suk

Korean Person

Choe Hyeon Suk is a South Korean actress....

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Moon Woo Young

Moon Woo Young

Korean Person


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Jo So Hye

Jo So Hye

Korean Person


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Ju Seong Min

Ju Seong Min

Korean Person

Ju Seong Min is a South Korean actor....

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Jang Ki Yong

Jang Ki Yong

Korean Person


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Anthony Chen

Anthony Chen

Anthony Chen is a Singaporean film director, screenwriter and film producer. He has directed two feature films Ilo Ilo (2013)...

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Jason Behr

Jason Behr

American Person

Jason Behr is an American film and television actor. He first starred in the American television series Roswell, for which...

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