Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Park Jong Min

Park Jong Min

Korean Person


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Kim Bo Bin

Kim Bo Bin

Korean Person

Kim Bo Bin is a member of the group Pastel Girls....

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Simon Kunz

Simon Kunz

British Person

Simon Kunz is an British film and stage actor....

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Yoon Do Ha

Yoon Do Ha

Korean Person

Yoon Doha is a South Korean trainee. He is a member of the project boy group n.SSign. He is best...

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Kim Kyung Tak

Kim Kyung Tak

Korean Person

Kim Kyung Tak is a South Korean actor....

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Kang Dae Yoon

Kang Dae Yoon

Korean Person


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Lorne Edward Oliver

Lorne Edward Oliver


Lorne Edward Oliver is an American actor and writer....

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Kang Jun Young

Kang Jun Young

Korean Person

Kang Jun Young is a South Korean Theater Stage Actor, Drama and Film Actor. Graduate of Seoul National University of...

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Jamie Harris

Jamie Harris

British Person

Jamie Harris is an British actor. He is best known for his role as The Hook-Handed Man in Lemony Snicket’s...

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Lee Tae Hwan

Lee Tae Hwan

Korean Person

Lee Tae Hwan is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Hong Ha Yeon

Hong Ha Yeon

Korean Person

Hong Ha Yeon is a South Korean dancer and a member of Newnion on Street Dance Girls Fighter. She specializes...

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Jang Hae Sook

Jang Hae Sook

Korean Person

Jang Hae Sook is a South Korean actor....

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Kang Joo Ri

Kang Joo Ri

Korean Person


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Ryu Kyung Hyun

Ryu Kyung Hyun

Korean Person

Ryu Kyung Hyun is a South Korean actor....

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Min Hyun Ki

Min Hyun Ki

Korean Person


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Jeon Soo Il

Jeon Soo Il

Korean Person

Jeon Soo-il is a South Korean film director, film producer and screenwriter. After graduating from the Department of Theatre &...

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Korean Person

Zin is a member of the girl group Bugaboo under ATEAM Entertainment. The group debuted in October 2021 with “bugAboo,”...

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Han Yoon Sun

Han Yoon Sun

Korean Person

Art direction department, Production department, Actor, Editor, Line producer, Director, Scriptwriter (Hancinema)...

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You Chae Hoon

You Chae Hoon

Korean Person

You Chae Hoon is a member of South Korean male crossover vocal group LA POEM....

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Kim Yong Im

Kim Yong Im

Korean Person

She is a South Korean trot singer....

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Won Dong Hwa

Won Dong Hwa

Korean Person

Won Dong Hwa is a South Korean actress....

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Jeong Su Ra

Jeong Su Ra

Korean Person

Jung Eun Suk is a South Korean singer under the stage name Jeong Su-ra. She was born in Seoul in...

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  • Male
  • Female