Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Lee Do Ha

Lee Do Ha

Korean Person

Lee Do Ha is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Byung Joon

Korean Person

Lee Byung-joon is a South Korean actor who has been active in film, television and theater since 1985. Lee is...

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Hong Ji Yoon

Hong Ji Yoon

Korean Person

She is a South Korean actress under KeyEast. She is best known for her role in the Korean television series...

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Kim Dong Hyun

Korean Person

Kim Dong Hyun is a South Korean singer-songwriter and actor. He is known for his participation in the reality competition...

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Oh Choong Hwan

Oh Choong Hwan

Korean Person


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Jung Min Gyu

Jung Min Gyu

Korean Person

Jung Min Gyu is a korean actor....

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Jung Hyun Joon

Korean Person

Jung Hyun Joon is a South Korean Actor...

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Go Soo Hee

Korean Person

Go Soo Hee is a South Korean actress who made her acting debut in the 1998 television drama “I Want...

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Tae Hang Ho

Korean Person

Tae Hang Ho is a South Korean actor who was born on July 22, 1983, in Busan, South Korea. He...

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Lee Byung Hun

Korean Person

Lee Byeong Heon is a South Korean director, producer, screenwriter, and actor. He won the "Best New Director Award" in...

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Shin Sung Woo

Korean Person

Shin Sung Woo is a South Korean rock singer and actor. He was very popular as a rock star in...

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Jung Bo Min

Jung Bo Min

Korean Person

Jung Bo Min is a South Korean model and actress under Sublime Artist Agency. She attended Dongduk Women’s University....

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Kim In Kwon

Korean Person

Kim In Kwon is a South Korean actor. He directed and starred in the 2002 short film, Shivski....

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Yoo Il

Yoo Il

Korean Person

Yoo Il is the oldest member of 5urprise (서프라이즈), a five member actor group that branch out into music, CFs,...

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Won Do Hyun

Won Do Hyun is currently active as a model. In 2021, he won the "Advertising Model of the Year" award...

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Kim Sun Oo

Sunoo (Enhypen)

Korean Person

Kim Sun Oo is a South Korean trainee under BELIF+, who trained for ten months before entering Big Hit Labels...

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Park Shi Hyun

Park Shi Hyun

Korean Person


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Hyoyeon (Girls’ Generation)

Korean Person

Kim Hyo Yeon, born in Incheon, also known as DJ HYO, is a singer, dancer, DJ, television personality, and member...

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Choi Jung Won

Korean Person

Choi Jung Won is an award-winning Korean actress. In 2001, she appeared as Choi Mi Hee, member of the wedding...

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Yoo Oh Sung

Yoo Oh Sung

Korean Person

Yoo Oh Sung is a South Korean actor....

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Ahn Se Ha

Korean Person

Ahn Se Ha is a South Korean actor, musical actor, and stage actor. On April 6, 2017, JUST Entertainment revealed...

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Kang Dong Ho

Korean Person

Kang Dong Ho is a South Korean actor....

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Kim Gyu Ri

Korean Person

Kim Gyu Ri, formerly known as Kim Min Sun, is a South Korean actress. She legally changed her name to...

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Kim Young Hoon

Korean Person

Kim Young Hoon is a South Korean actor born on October 2, 1978, in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. He...

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