Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Yang Jong Wook

Yang Jong Wook

Korean Person

Yang Jong Wook is a South Korean stage actor....

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Park Min Sung

Park Min Sung

Korean Person


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Lee Byung Soo

Lee Byung Soo

Korean Person


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Korean Person

Layeon is a member of the South Korean girl group Purple Beck under Majesty Entertainment....

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Yun Ji Won

Yun Ji Won

Korean Person

Yun Ji Won is a South Korean actress....

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Go Min Seok

Go Min Seok

Korean Person

Go Min Seok is a South Korean producer....

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Kim Kyung Jae

Kim Kyung Jae

Korean Person

Kim Kyung Jae is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Young Hoon

Lee Young Hoon

Korean Person


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Christopher Mayer

Christopher Mayer

American Person

Christopher Mayer, also known as Chip Mayer is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Vance...

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Kang Ji Hoon

Kang Ji Hoon

Korean Person

Kang Ji Hoon alias Jeon Jae Heon is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Wan Min

Lee Wan Min

Korean Person

Lee Wan Min is a South Korean editor, producer, director, and scriptwriter....

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Nam Tak Kyun

Nam Tak Kyun

Korean Person


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Chris Halstead

Chris Halstead

American Person

Chris Halstead is an American visual effects professional....

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Yeom Do Sun

Yeom Do Sun

Korean Person


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Son Ji Hye

Son Ji Hye

Korean Person

Son Ji Hye is a South Korean writer. Her infamous work, Daughters of Bilitis Club was heavily criticized for its...

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Choi Moo Ryong

Choi Moo Ryong

Korean Person

Choi Moo Ryong was born in Paju, Gyeonggi province, Korea. He was one of the popular actors of the 1960s,...

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Jimmy Johansson

Jimmy Johansson

Swedish Person

Jimmy Johansson is a Swedish visual effects professional....

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Hwang Joo Ho

Hwang Joo Ho

Korean Person

He is a South Korean actor....

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Yoo Seung Hyun

Yoo Seung Hyun

Korean Person

Yoo Seung Hyun is a South Korean actor....

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Jang Yoon Jung

Jang Yoon Jung

Korean Person


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Kim Han Wung

Kim Han Wung

Korean Person

Kim Han Wung is a South Korean visual effects professional....

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Jung Dong Geun

Jung Dong Geun

Korean Person

Jung Dong Geun is a South Korean actor....

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Cho Sang Kyung

Cho Sang Kyung

Korean Person

Cho Sang Kyung is a custome designer and an art director....

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Kim Kwang San

Kim Kwang San

Korean Person


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  • Male
  • Female