Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Lee Jin Woo

Lee Jin Woo

Korean Person

South Korean director....

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Lee Ji Hwang

Lee Ji Hwang

Korean Person

Lee Ji Hwang is a South Korean actor....

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Kim San

Kim San

Korean Person


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Lee Jung Hwa

Lee Jung Hwa

Korean Person

Lee Jung Hwa is a South Korean screenwriter and assistant director....

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Seo Jeong Min

Seo Jeong Min

Korean Person

Seo Jeong Min was South Korean cinematographer. He won a Grand Bell Award for cinematography in 2001....

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Choi Yoon Jung

Choi Yoon Jung

Korean Person

Choi Yoon Jung is a former member of 05Class....

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Lee Ha Young

Lee Ha Young

Korean Person

Lee Ha Young is a South Korean actress....

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Lee Dong Won

Lee Dong Won

Korean Person


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Korean Person

LEE:ON is a Korean singer and composer. He joined MASC in September 2017; the group’s disbandment was announced in October...

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Choi Sung Pil

Choi Sung Pil

Korean Person

Choi Sung Pil is a South Korean actor....

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Im Se Hyuk

Im Se Hyuk

Korean Person


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Han Ji Won

Han Ji Won

Korean Person


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Yoon Joo Ryeon

Yoon Joo Ryeon

Korean Person


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Chae Woo

Chae Woo

Korean Person

Chae Woo is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Byun Seung Joo

Byun Seung Joo

Korean Person

Byun Seung Joo is a South Korean YouTuber. He made his acting debut in the web sitcom Wild Guys in...

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Jean Reno

Jean Reno

French Person

Jean Reno was born Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jiménez in Casablanca, Morocco, to Spanish parents (from Andalucía) who moved to North...

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John Cusack

John Cusack

American Person

John Paul Cusack is an American actor, producer and screenwriter....

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Lee Han Sol

Lee Han Sol is a South Korean actor educated at Seoul Institute of the Arts. He made his acting debut...

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Thayr Harris

Thayr Harris

American Person

Thayr Harris is an American stuntman and actor....

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Kim Soo Hwan

Kim Soo Hwan

Korean Person


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Jung Sun Hee

Jung Sun Hee

Korean Person

Jung Sun Hee is a South Korean comedian and actress. She was married to actor Ahn Jae Hwan, who commited...

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Lee Kwang Se

Lee Kwang Se

Korean Person

Lee Kwang Se is a South Korean stage actor, voice actor and an actor....

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Park Chul Hoon

Park Chul Hoon

Korean Person

Park Chul Hoon is a South Korean producing director....

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Yoon Jun Ho

Yoon Jun Ho

Korean Person

Yoon Junho is a trainee. He is currently participating in the survival show Stars Awakening....

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  • Female