Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Jung Hwan Suk

Jung Hwan Suk

Korean Person


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Lee Jung Woo

Lee Jung Woo

Korean Person


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Ghanaian Person


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Kim Woo Jin

Kim Woo Jin

Korean Person

Kim Woo Jin is a South Korean archer who first held the world number one ranking in 2011 and held...

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Choi Chang Wook

Choi Chang Wook

Korean Person

Choi Chang Wook is a Producer and Director for MBC. He is the husband of actress, Im Ye Jin (1989)...

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Park Ri Woong

Park Ri Woong

Korean Person

Park Ri-woong majored in directing at Korea National University of Arts. He directed his first short film, Family (2005). Park’s...

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Bae Woo Jin

Bae Woo Jin

Korean Person


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Lee Duk Gun

Lee Duk Gun

Korean Person


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Kim Jong Hyun

Kim Jong Hyun

Korean Person


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Shin Min Kyung

Shin Min Kyung

Korean Person

Shin Min Kyung is South Korean film producer....

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Yum Chul Ho

Yum Chul Ho

Korean Person


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Son Byung Hee

Son Byung Hee

Korean Person


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Korean Person

Hong Seung Yeon, better known as ROOT, is a dancer under 1MILLION Dance Studio....

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Im Woo Chul

Im Woo Chul

Korean Person

He’s a stage actor and an actor....

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Kim Eun Hye

Kim Eun Hye

Korean Person


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Teddy Jung

Teddy Jung

Korean Person

Jung Hoon Tak, also known as Teddy Jung, is a South Korean film producer....

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Yoon Yeong Soo

Yoon Yeong Soo

Korean Person

Yoon Yeong Soo is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Jung Ji Yeon

Jung Ji Yeon

Korean Person


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Yoon Eun Bin

Yoon Eun Bin

Korean Person

Yoon Eunbin is currently a trainee under STARDIUM. She was a competitor on Produce 48. However, she ranked #65 in...

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Baek Yoon Heum

Baek Yoon Heum

Korean Person


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Kang Min Kyung

Kang Min Kyung

Korean Person

Kang Min Kyung is a South Korean director....

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Kim Min Seok

Kim Min Seok

Korean Person

Kim Min Seok is the South Korean scriptwriter for the 2015 drama "The Lover"....

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Kim Ju Ha

Kim Ju Ha

Korean Person


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Kim Dae Seung

Kim Dae Seung

Korean Person

He worked as assistant director for almost 10 years under Im Kwon Taek and worked on films like "Sopyonje" (1993)...

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  • Female