Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Kim Young Young

Kim Young Young

Korean Person

Kim Young Young is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Kim Hee Jin

Korean Person

Kim Hee Jin is a South Korean stage actor....

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Winter (Aespa, Got the Beat)

Korean Person

Winter is a member of SM’s new girl group Aespa. Winter trained under SM for 4 years. She is the...

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Lee Hyun Kyung

Korean Person

Lee Hyun Kyung is a South Korean actress. She studied Dance at the Seoul Institute of the Arts and in...

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Park Ga Ram

Korean Person


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Lee Eui Jin

Lee Eui-jin (Bigflo, UNB)

Korean Person

Euijin is in the Popping Group DA’ONEZ and is also the main dancer of KPOP boy group BigFlo. In 2017...

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Park Se Jun

Park Se Jun

Korean Person


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Song Da Eun

Song Da Eun

Korean Person

Song Da Eun is a South Korean actress and TV personality who was born on June 14, 1991. She made...

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Kim Sung Je

Sungje (Supernova)

Korean Person

Kim Sung Je is the vocalist and dancer of K-pop group "Supernova". He appeared in F.T.Island’s video for the song...

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Han Min

Korean Person

Han Min is a South Korean actor and model. In 2006, he won the Basic House Junior Model Contest: Grand...

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Kim Young Woong (1971)

Korean Person

Kim Young Woong is a South Korean actor....

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Heo Soon Mi

Heo Soon Mi

Korean Person

Heo Soon Mi is a South Korean Musical Theater, Stage Actress, Drama and Film Actress...

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Lee Hwi Hyang

Korean Person

Lee Hwi-hyang is a South Korean actress. She joined the Miss MBC beauty pageant in 1981, and made her acting...

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Lee Seung Yeon

Korean Person

Lee Seung Yeon is a South Korean actress and talk show host. Lee graduated from Inha Technical College in Incheon...

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Kim Se Jun

Kim Se Jun

Korean Person

Se Jun works as a garment cutter for Single’s Inferno Season 1 cast member Oh Jin-taek’s store Ascottage....

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Joe Taslim

Joe Taslim

Indonesian Person

Johannes "Joe" Taslim is an Indonesian actor and martial artist, best known for his role as Bi-Han/Sub Zero in Mortal...

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Jackson Zhou

Jackson Zhou

American Person

Jackson Zhou is an American-Chinese child actor and model....

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Choi Ji Ung

Choi Ji Ung

Korean Person

Jiung is a member of FNC boy group P1Harmony....

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Park Seon Ho

Park Seon Ho

Korean Person

Park Seon Ho is a korean film director....

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Oh Man Seok

Oh Man Seok

Korean Person

Oh Man Seok is a South Korean actor. He made his acting debut in 2007....

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Daniel Lindemann

Daniel Lindemann

German Person

Daniel Jakob Lindemann is a German who lives and performs in South Korea as a television personality and marketing manager....

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Kim Sung Kyum

Korean Person

Kim Sung Kyum is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Ju Hyeon

Juhyeon (Lightsum)

Korean Person

Lee Ju Hyeon is a well-known trainee under CUBE Entertainment. She participated in The Unit and Dancing High. On April...

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Jin Hyeok

Jin Hyeok

Korean Person

He’s a Korean director....

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  • Female