Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.

Park Jun Mook

Park Jun Mook is a South Korean actor....

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Lee Jung Gil

Korean Person

Lee Jung Gil is a veteran South Korean actor. He has appeared in many television series, including 2009’s Iris....

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Korean Person

She is best known for her original soundtracks for various TV series, for dramas such as; It’s Okay, That’s Love,...

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Ki Tae Hwa

Ki Tae Hwa

Korean Person

Ki Tae Hwa is a South Korean actor....

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Kim Il Woo

Korean Person

Kim Il Woo is a South Korean actor....

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Song Se Hyun

Korean Person

Song Se Hyun, born in Busan, is a South Korean actor represented by FNC Music. His older brother is singer...

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Kim Jin Hong

Kim Jin Hong

Korean Person

Kim Jinhong was the lead vocalist and visual of the boy group 24K. He is also a composer. Before he...

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Lee Na Yoon

Korean Person

Lee Na Yoon is a South Korean actress....

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Jo Deok Hee

Jo Deok Hee

Korean Person

Jo Deok Hoe is a South Korean actor who has starred in a couple of short films, including ‘Loser Boys’....

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Cheon Yi Seul

Cheon Yi Seul

Korean Person

Cheon Yi Seul, born in Busan, is a South Korean actress managed by PAN Stars Entertainment. She made her acting...

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Song Han Hee

Song Han Hee

Korean Person

Song Han Hee is a South Korean model and actress under Ascendio. She was a member of the canceled girl...

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Chang Seung Yeon

Seungyeon (CLC)

Korean Person

Chang Seung Yeon is a member of the South-Korean girl group CLC debuted on March 19, 2015. CLC last group...

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Kim Min Ji

Kim Min Ji

Korean Person

Kim Min Ji is a South Korean actress who hosted “Music Bank” from December 2010 to October 2011. She went...

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Blake Abbie

Blake Abbie


Abbie was born in Montreal, Canada to immigrant parents. His father is from Edinburgh, Scotland, and his mother from Hangzhou,...

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Jo Yi Hyun

Korean Person

Jo Yi Hyun is a South Korean child actor....

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New Sun

Choi Yunseon (Sonamoo)

Korean Person

She is a member of Kpop girl group SONAMOO....

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Lee Kang Ji

Lee Kang Ji

Korean Person

Lee Kang Ji is a South Korean actor....

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Jo Yoon Young

Jo Yoon Young

Korean Person

Jo Yoon Young is a South Korean TV series writer....

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Song Ji Woo

Song Ji Woo

Korean Person

She is a South Korean actress....

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Korean Person

Ungjae is the rapper, dancer, composer, producer, and the youngest member of the boy group IMFACT....

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Desmond Tan

Desmond Tan

Desmond Tan (Chinese name: Chen Jiong Jiang) is a Singaporean actor. Tan has an official fan club called Destination and...

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Park Keun Rok

Korean Person


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Baek Joo Hee

Baek Joo Hee

Korean Person

Baek Joo Hee is a South Korean actress and musical actress. She made her acting debut in 2000 with a...

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