Upcoming film “Troll Factory” (also known as “Comment Army”) has released a new poster and a new teaser!
Based on the novel, “Troll Factory” follows the journey of Im Sang Jin (Son Suk Ku), a journalist who faces suspension after exposing a major corporation. When an anonymous informant reveals the existence of an online “comment army” manipulating public opinion, Im Sang Jin embarks on a quest to unveil the truth and reclaim his position.
Son Suk Ku stars as Im Sang Jin, a journalist striving for reinstatement following his suspension for writing an article exposing the abuse of power by a big corporation.
In the released poster, Im Sang Jin is captured with a serious facial expression full of suspicion as he stares at the comments on a monitor. The phrase on the poster reads, “How much of what you see on the internet do you believe?” heightening viewers’ curiosity about the film.
The accompanying teaser starts off with Im Sang Jin receiving tons of messages, such as, “Congratulations, Honest Reporter Im Sang Jin,” and, “Demanding the expulsion of Changkyung Daily journalist who writes fake news,” on his phone. Amidst the numerous malicious comments directed at him, Im Sang Jin receives an anonymous tip claiming, “The negative comments on your articles are all part of a scheme to conceal corruption.”
In one scene, responding to the anonymous tipster who calmly asserts, “Your article wasn’t fake news,” Im Sang Jin retorts with a skeptical expression, ““But it wasn’t all of you who made my article fake news, was it?” creating a tense atmosphere.
The teaser then gives a glimpse of comment army Team Allep manipulating online public opinion with ease and also introduces the comment army Team Allep members, including Jjingbbottking (Kim Sung Cheol), the unofficial leader and the sharp-witted mastermind behind the public opinion manipulation; Chatthatkhat (Kim Dong Hwi), the writer behind all the captivating fabricated stories and the anonymous informant who tips off the existence of the comment army; and Paebtaek (Hong Kyung), a keyboard warrior drawn deeper into the world of online manipulation as he witnesses its formidable power.
At the end of the teaser, the question, “How much of what you see on the internet do you believe?” is followed by someone’s response, “It’s all fake.”
Watch the teaser below!
“Troll Factory” is set to hit theaters on March 27.
While you wait, check out Son Suk Ku in “Melo Is My Nature”:
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