The movie Sunny revolves around a group of high school friends who reunite after 25 years. Na-mi, the protagonist, is a middle-aged woman living with her husband and daughter in Seoul. She is unhappy with her life and misses her old friend, Chun-hwa, who she hasn’t seen since high school.
One day, Na-mi receives a call from her friend’s daughter, informing her that Chun-hwa has cancer and doesn’t have much time left. Na-mi decides to visit her old friend in the hospital and ends up reuniting with her other high school friends.
The movie then takes us back to the 1980s when the girls were in high school. They were known as the “Sunny” girls and were the coolest and most popular group in school. The group had a strong bond, but their friendship was cut short when they graduated and went their separate ways.
As the friends reminisce about their high school days, they also confront the harsh realities of their present lives. Some of them are struggling with their careers, while others are dealing with family issues. However, their reunion brings back the carefree and happy moments of their youth, and they quickly rekindle their friendship.
The movie takes us through the highs and lows of their lives and how their friendship helps them cope with their problems. In the end, the friends come together to fulfill Chun-hwa’s last wish, which brings them even closer.