Hope is a 2013 South Korean drama film directed by Lee Joon-ik. The movie revolves around a family’s struggles after their young daughter, So-won, is brutally assaultd and left for dead by a stranger. The parents, Dong-hoon and Mi-hee, are devastated by the incident and are forced to confront the reality of their daughter’s trauma and their own grief.
The film explores the aftermath of the attack, including the physical and psychological toll it takes on So-won and her family. So-won’s road to recovery is a difficult one, as she struggles to come to terms with what has happened to her and to find the strength to move forward.
Despite the tragedy, the film is ultimately about hope and the power of love and support to help overcome even the darkest of circumstances. The family’s journey to healing is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the resilience of the human heart.
Hope was a critical and commercial success in South Korea, earning numerous accolades and awards for its powerful storytelling and emotional performances. The film has been praised for its sensitive handling of a difficult subject matter and its ability to inspire hope and healing in its viewers.