Survival Audition K-pop Star is a South Korean reality television competition show. The forth season of K-pop Star returns with the same judges and host as season 3. Jun Hyun Moo is host. Yang Hyun Suk, Park Jin Young and You Hee Yeol return as judges. The contest began receiving applications in June, with preliminary auditions taking place in Seoul and throughout South Korea, as well as the United States, Australia, Singapore,and Hong Kong until September 2014.
K-pop Star Season 4
Aired on: Nov 23, 2014
Total Episodes: 21
Network: SBS
Duration: 1 hr. 30 min.
Year: 2014
Country: South Korea
Native Title: K팝 스타 시즌4
Content Rating: 13+ – Teens 13 or older
Alternative Titles: 서바이벌 오디션 K팝 스타 시즌4, Survival Audition K-pop Star Season 4
Genre: Music