This drama tells the story of Jang Hee Bin, one of the most famous royal concubines in the Joseon Dynasty who was behind the deposition of King Sook Jong’s wife, Queen In Hyun. However, unlike the countless dramas and movies about this famous villain, this drama will tell the story of Jang Ok Jung before she became concubine Jang Hee Bin and focus on her role as a fashion designer and cosmeticmaker in the Joseon era.
Jang Ok Jung
Director: Boo Sung Chul
Aired on: Apr 8, 2013
Total Episodes: 24
Network: SBS
Duration: 1 hr. 5 min.
Year: 2013
Country: South Korea
Native Title: 장옥정, 사랑에 살다
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Alternative Titles: Jang Ok Jeong, Sarange Salda, Jang Ok Jeong, Live For Love, Jang Ok Jeong, Live In Love, Jang Ok Jeong, Lives In Love
Genre: Historical, Romance