The show features five members from four disbanded or inactive “first-generation” K-pop idol groups, which debuted during the 1990s: H.O.T. (1996–2001), Sechs Kies (1997–2000; 2016–Present), NRG (1997–2006; 2017–Present) and g.o.d (1999–Present).
Moon Hee Joon, leader of H.O.T., personally invited his H.O.T. bandmate Tony An, Sechs Kies leader and rapper Eun Ji Won, dancer and singer-songwriter Chun Myung-hoon of NRG and rapper Danny Ahn of g.o.d, all of whom were born in thesame year (1978) and have remained active in the entertainment industry. They would meet in a rented house where they could have a candid chat about issues and topics that they had not been able to speak about due to the closed and highly taciturn culture of the K-pop industry while they were active as members of their groups. Moon had proposed the concept of the show following the success of the television series Reply 1997 and a renewed interest in first-generation K-pop idol groups.
(Source: Wikipedia)