Gag Concert is a South Korean sketch-comedy television show more commonly known as Gag Con. It began airing on September 4, 1999, and aired its last episode on June 26, 2020, making it South Korea’s longest-running comedy show.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Aired on: Sep 4, 1999
Total Episodes: 1050
Network: KBS2
Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
Year: 1999
Country: South Korea
Native Title: 개그콘서트
Content Rating: 15+ – Teens 15 or older
Alternative Titles: Gag con, 개콘
Genre: Comedy
Gag Concert is a South Korean sketch-comedy television show more commonly known as Gag Con. It began airing on September 4, 1999, and aired its last episode on June 26, 2020, making it South Korea’s longest-running comedy show.
(Source: Wikipedia)