Set in the microcosm of a school mirroring a jungle-like society, the story centers around one boy’s desperate struggle for survival. Lee Ji Hoon is set to play an up-and-coming tough guy within the harassment circle of an elite high school in Busan, who’s got a secret in his past and an unexpected charm.
Drama Special Season 7: The Legendary Lackey
Director: Kim Dong Hwi
Aired on: Oct 2, 2016
Total Episodes: 1
Network: KBS2
Duration: 1 hr. 7 min.
Year: 2016
Country: South Korea
Native Title: 드라마 스페셜 – 전설의 셔틀
Content Rating: 15+ – Teens 15 or older
Alternative Titles: Deurama Seupesyeol Shijeun 7 – Jeonseoleui Syeoteul, The Legendary Shuttle, Jeonseolui Syeoteul, 드라마 스페셜 시즌 7 – 전설의 셔틀
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Friendship, School, Youth