Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Kim Seo Hun

Kim Seo Hun

Korean Person


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Park Su Eon

Park Su Eon

Korean Person

Park Su Eon is a South Korean actress and model....

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Lee Seok Bin

Lee Seok Bin

Korean Person

Lee Seok Bin is a South Korean actor and model, under YG KPlus....

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Lee Yeon Joo

Lee Yeon Joo

Korean Person


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Choi Eun Gyung

Choi Eun Gyung

Korean Person

Choi Eun Gyung is a South Korean producing director....

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Choi Nak Won

Choi Nak Won

Korean Person


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Lu (Nature)

Korean Person

She is the leader and main vocalist of the girl group Nature....

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Jang Young Shil

Jang Young Shil

Korean Person


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Park Min Gwan

Park Min Gwan

Korean Person

He is a stage theater actor, film and drama actor....

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Jang Min Seo

Jang Min Seo

Korean Person


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Cha Seung Woo

Cha Seung Woo

Korean Person


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Lee Da Il

Lee Da Il

Korean Person

He is a South Korean actor....

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Heo Min Oh

Heo Min Oh

Korean Person

Heo Min Oh is a South Korean actor....

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Yun Bong Chun

Yun Bong Chun

Korean Person

A South Korean actor....

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Jun Byung Won

Jun Byung Won

Korean Person

Jun Byung Won is a South Korean scriptwriter and an actor....

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Im Joo Yi

Im Joo Yi

Korean Person

Im Joo Yi is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Kang Na Hyun

Kang Na Hyun

Korean Person

Kang Na Hyun is a South Korean singer represented by S2 Entertainment. She is a member of the girl group...

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Jo Dong Hee

Jo Dong Hee

Korean Person

Jo Dong Hee is a South Korean screenwriter....

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Yang Jae Hee

Yang Jae Hee

Korean Person


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Do Jung Won

Do Jung Won

Korean Person

Do Jung Won is a South Korean actress....

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Kim Young Il

Kim Young Il

Korean Person

Kim Young Il is a South Korean art director, producer, director and screenwriter....

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Kim Ji Seok

Kim Ji Seok

Korean Person


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Kim Deok Gyu

Kim Deok Gyu

Korean Person

Kim Deok Gyu is a South Korean director and screenwriter....

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Lee Shi Woo

Lee Shi Woo

Korean Person


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  • Male
  • Female