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Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)
Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Park Jong Bok
Korean Person
South Korean real estate agent and president of the Miso Real Estate Research Group real estate brokerage firm. He is...
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Chung Jung Yong
Korean Person
Chung Jung Yong is a retired South Korean soccer player. He played for Kyungil University between 1988 and 1992. Professionally,...
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Shin Jung Man
Korean Person
Shin Jung Man, born in Suwon of Gyeonggi-do, is a South Korean actor....
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Im Jun Hyeok
Korean Person
Im Jun Hyeok was a South Korean comedian and musical actor. He made his debut in MBC’s 13th recruitment in...
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Park Sang Woon
Korean Person
Park Sang Woon is a South Korean actor born in Jeonju, South Korea....
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- Female