Korean Actors/Actresses (Persons)

Our Korean actor/actresses/person database list is a comprehensive collection of information about prominent Korean entertainment figures. It includes details such as their name, age, birthdate, height, weight, and notable works. This database is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Korean entertainment and provides a convenient way to explore the careers of their favorite actors, actresses, and other public figures.
Cha Hee Yeon

Cha Hee Yeon

Korean Person


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Kim Joo Hoo

Kim Joo Hoo

Korean Person


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Lee Han Bit

Lee Han Bit

Korean Person

Lee Han Bit is a South Korean singer, dancer actress, and former member of Tinus and Six Bomb with education...

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Kim Gi Tae

Kim Gi Tae

Korean Person

Cinematographer. Awarded “Best Cinematography” at the 37th Golden Film Awards 2017. Came 3rd amongst the nominees at the 33rd Golden...

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Elton Chong

Elton Chong

Korean Person

Elton Chong is a Korean martial artist, action director, and actor. Elton Chong has mostly worked in South Korea with...

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Jang Min Seok

Jang Min Seok

Korean Person


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Jang Min Seol

Jang Min Seol

Korean Person


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Kang Eun Jin

Kang Eun Jin

Korean Person

Kang Eun Jin is a South Korean actress....

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Lee In Sun

Lee In Sun

Korean Person

Lee In Sun is a member of dance crew We Dem Boyz (위댐보이즈)....

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Yoo Eden

Yoo Eden

Korean Person


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Yoon Chae Yi

Korean Person


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Kim In Ae

Kim In Ae

Korean Person


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Baek Dong Hyun

Baek Dong Hyun

Korean Person

Theater Actor Korean Artists Union, Action Team, Martial arts Team, Car Stunts...

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Kim Moo Saeng

Kim Moo Saeng

Korean Person


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Swan (Purple Kiss)

Korean Person

Swan is a South Korean singer under RBW. She is the maknae of the girl group PURPLE K!SS. PURPLE K!SS...

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Chae Song Hwa

Chae Song Hwa

Korean Person

Chae Song Hwa is a South Korean actress....

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Kwon Jae Seung

Kwon Jae Seung

Korean Person

Kwon Jae Seung is a choreographer and dancer. He has worked with many artists and groups, including Jang Hyunseung, Hyorin,...

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Kim Won Jin

Kim Won Jin

Korean Person


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Han Jae Rim

Han Jae Rim

Korean Person

Han Jae Rim is a South Korean director and screenwriter....

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Kang Jung Goo

Kang Jung Goo

Korean Person


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Jung Woo

Jungwoo (Bvndit)

Korean Person

Jung Woo was announced as the fourth member of the MNH Entertainment’s girl group, BVNDIT....

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Lee Yoo Ha

Lee Yoo Ha

Korean Person


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Pyo Hye Rim

Pyo Hye Rim

Korean Person


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Jung Chan Woo

Jung Chan Woo

Korean Person

Jung Chan Woo is based in South Korea. He is a tailor and a clothes designer. In early 2020, he...

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