Code – Secret Room is a reality game show. In each episodes, the contestants aim to solve the Main Code to allow them to escape the room. Clues to deciphering the Main Code are found by solving hidden puzzles throughout the set with theme setting rooms. The first to escape the room will move on to the next round and given a clue to the Main Code at the start of thenext round. The last four contestants left in the room must compete in the Last Code match wherein they must solve a final puzzle, the last to do so is eliminated.
Code: Secret Room Season 1
Aired on: Jan 1, 2016
Total Episodes: 13
Network: jTBC
Duration: 60 min.
Year: 2016
Country: South Korea
Native Title: 코드 – 비밀의 방
Content Rating: 15+ – Teens 15 or older
Alternative Titles: code: bimirui bang
Genre: Psychological