“A Taxi Driver” is a South Korean movie based on a true story that took place in 1980. The story follows the life of a taxi driver named Kim Man-seob, who is struggling to make ends meet for his family. One day, he picks up a German journalist named Peter, who wants to travel to the city of Gwangju, which is under martial law.
At first, Kim is hesitant to take Peter to Gwangju, but after being offered a large sum of money, he agrees to take him there. When they arrive in Gwangju, they witness a brutal crackdown by the military on an uprising of students and civilians. Kim is horrified by what he sees and decides to help Peter document the events taking place in the city.
Through their journey, Kim and Peter face many challenges and obstacles, including the danger of being caught by the military, and the emotional toll of witnessing the harsh and suffering in Gwangju. Despite these challenges, they continue to work together to tell the world about the atrocities happening in Gwangju.
“A Taxi Driver” is a powerful and emotional film that explores themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the importance of standing up for what is right. It highlights the importance of journalism and the role it plays in exposing the truth and inspiring change. The movie has received critical acclaim and has become one of the highest-grossing films in South Korea.