The Idol Star Athletics Championships is a South Korean television program which aired for the first time in 2010. The program features celebrities, most notably Korean pop idols singers and groups, which compete in multi-sport events. The show is broadcast by MBC. The lineup includes Super Junior, TWICE, SEVENTEEN, iKON, Red Velvet, MONSTA X, NCT 127, Stray Kids, (G)I-DLE, MOMOLAND, ASTRO, The Boyz, gugudan, Celeb Five, and Golden Child.
2019 Idol Star Athletics Championships
Aired on: Feb 5, 2019
Total Episodes: 4
Network: MBC
Duration: 60 min.
Year: 2019
Country: South Korea
Native Title: 2019아이돌스타 육상 볼링 양궁 리듬 체조 족구 선수권 대회
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Alternative Titles: 아이돌스타 육상 선수권대회 2019년, 2019 Idol Star Athletics Bowling Archery Rhythmic Gymnastics Football Championships, 2019 ISAC, 2019 Idol Star Olympics, 2019 Idol Star Athletics Championships Chuseok Special, 2019 Idol Star Athletics Championships- New Year Special
Genre: Sports